Our Mission
help achieve USAID's strategic objectives to reduce childhood
mortality and morbidity, the Child Health Research Project (CHR)
conducts applied research in: diarrheal and respiratory diseases,
infectious diseases, neonatal health, and malnutrition.
Our Approach
identifies and evaluates new technologies for improving treatment
and prevention of these illnesses, including methods of managing
child health programs. We seek to strengthen the problem-solving
capacity of developing country institutions. And we present
research findings to guide improvements in national health policies
and promote adoption of interventions, approaches, and technologies
into professional health practice. |
Our Focus
CHR concentrates its research efforts in six areas relating
to child health and mortality:
Our Collaborating Partners
collaborating partners implement the project, each with complementary
roles: |
Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Health
(WHO/CAH) and Department of Vaccines & Biologics (WHO/V&B)
is responsible for interventions concerning health, growth,
and development for the age group of 0-19 years. It main objectives
are: 1) To reduce illness and death among children and adolescents
and, 2) To improve the health and development of children and
adolescents. CAH stimulates worldwide action to promote healthy
behaviours and prevent and manage health problems of children
and adolescents. It does so by raising awareness, promoting
research and producing information to develop standards and
guidelines. In addition CAH facilitates the local adaptation
and implementation of standards and guidelines.
University: Applied Research on Child Health (ARCH) Project
is committed to the support of applied scientific research that
will inform and improve health policies and programs to reduce
child morbidity and mortality around the world. The ARCH Project,
through its research grant awards, training programs, and technical
assistance will strengthen the national capacities of both social
and biomedical scientists in low income countries to foster
a sustainable system to further the child survival revolution.
Center for Health and Population Research is an international,
non-profit, health and population research and training institute
which was established in 1978 to address diarrhoeal diseases
and related problems. ICDDR,B, or the Centre for Health and
Population Research, as it is commonly known, is governed by
a 17-member international Board of Trustees and is supported
financially by over 35 governments and agencies. The Centre
promotes study, research and dissemination of knowledge in the
management of diarrhoeal diseases, nutrition, and fertility.
The Centre has also been mandated to provide training to scientists
and researchers in the areas of its competence.
(International Clinical Epidemiology Network) is a worldwide
network of health professionals dedicated to improving equity,
efficiency, and quality in health care through training and
the production and application of the best evidence on interventions.
This achieved through a network of physicians, statisticians
and social scientists throughout the world who work together
to build and sustain institutional capacity for excellence and
relevance in research medical education.
Hopkins - Family Health and Child Survival (FHACS) identifies
new technologies and methods for improving child survival and
family health. Focus is on effective integrated implementation
of services to have the greatest impact in developing countries.
FHACS improves the effectiveness of child survival technologies
in developing countries by implementing operations and policy
research. Research is conducted in collaboration with developing
country institutions and focuses on control of childhood infectious
diseases and nutritional problems, and improving methodologies
for measuring child mortality/morbidity and delivering interventions.